Supporting your immune system
We all know that a good offense is the best defense. Prevention is the best medicine, but when someone straight up coughs in your face, your immune system is the first line of defense, medicine (eastern and western) being the second. The stronger our immune system, the less need we have for external help from medicine. And let's be honest, does anyone actually enjoy taking medications? No. They certainly have their time and place, but if we can fight something off without their help, we become stronger and we're spared the "bubblegum flavor" that we all know is actually pink chalk. First, lets explain how the immune system works...
It's coronavirus, not The Hunger Games
In light of Earth being cancelled, I thought it would be prudent to talk about everyone's favorite topic: coronavirus. First things first, turn off the news, and visit the World Health Organization or Center of Diesease Control's websites. Most of what is reported (or what we hear while flipping through the channels) is twisted to grab our attention, and becuase of that, there is a lot of misinformation spreading around. For anyone who's read the information on WHO or the CDC's website, you've probably realized that the coronavirus isn't going to end the world. If you do think it's going to end the world, stop hoarding toilet paper. It won't save you. What will save you however, is knowledge. So let's take a deep breath and go over the basics, transmission, and prevention and put an end to the mass hysteria.
The Sun and Yang Deficiency
Summer is finally here! It's time for sun, and beaches, and barbecues, and more sun! I love the sun and it loves us too. Without it, life wouldn't exist, but too much? Well there is unfortunately such a thing as too much sun. Sunburn is only one of the side effects. Overexposure to sun can lead to sun poisoning, heat exhaustion, skin cancer, eye damage, and even speed up the look of aging (if you'd like to reverse some of that you may want to consider Facial Acupuncture). Does that mean we should avoid it? Nope! Getting out in the sun helps alleviate symptoms of depression and seasonal affective disorder, regulates sleep, and can even support weight loss (and your mood) by increasing the levels of serotonin being released. It's also our best source of vitamin D which is crucial in calcium absorption and phosphorous regulation (meaning healthy bones and muscles), supports the brain, cardiovascular, immune and nervous systems, regulates insulin, and supports lung health. So how do we get all these benefits without going overboard? The key is to limit (NOT eliminate) your exposure. Our skin makes vitamin D from the UVB rays from the sun and this requires some unprotected exposure. In my research, I've found that the recommended amount of unprotected sun per day ranges from 1 to 15 minutes but overall, that amount of time is determined by skin tone. As we all know, darker skin tones will absorb more light before getting damaged but that doesn't mean you're exempt from using sunblock! What I recommend is applying sunblock just before going outside. By the time it kicks in, you've met your unprotected sun quota. For those who are of lighter skin tones, wait the full amount of time before going out. Broad spectrum SPF 50 blocks about 98% of the UVA and UVB rays, so that 2% is probably all the "unprotected" sun you really need. Be sure to re-apply because it does come off with sweat and water!
How does acupuncture work?
Well...that's a great question. To answer that from the western side, I'll have to write a whole other blog post. Basically, stimulating the skin triggers a response in the Central Nervous System to release hormones that change how you feel and function, and fMRI studies show that brain is affected by acupuncture. Since acupuncture developed far before imaging technology (over 2,200 years before), we don't really need that to explain how it works. It does take an open mind, however, so stay with me here.